FSC® certification: What and why

Respecting the environment and building a strong business practice can go hand in hand.

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) represents an important body for any company that wants to source environmentally sound products. Committing to green practices requires concrete action as well as a vision, and looking for an organization with FSC® presence and authority can be the first step.

If you're unsure what FSC® certification means and why it's valuable, the following guide is for you.

The basics: Business and environmental benefits

It's important to understand the different ways that the FSC® contributes to both the environment and business. You might assume that the organization's entire focus is on the ecosystem, but there's more nuance to it than that.

The FSC® mission and values page clearly states other priorities that go alongside the environmental concerns, including worker rights, legal compliance, and the principles of proper assessment and regular review, which could also mean benefits for a participating company's supply chain in general.

Because of its prominence, the approval of the FSC® can also be a boost for a business’s credibility and have a positive effect on a company's reputation. That's why this organization and those certified through it matter on an immediate financial level as well as the greater, greener one.

Gaining revenue through proper sourcing

In 2015, the World Wide Fund For Nature examined the financial implications of the FSC® name, ultimately finding a profit associated with this important distinction. The source specifically said that when "forest operator" companies used "FSC®-certified roundwood or equivalent," they gained an average of $1.80 for each cubic meter. This shows the positive financial side of making an FSC® commitment.


The organization's Global Forests Program Director, Rod Taylor, explained these figures as a counterbalance to the wariness about FSC® certification costs. His comments suggest that there's ultimately more to be gained than lost for those that pursue FSC® accreditation.

"This study shows that while the investment costs of entering into an FSC® certification process can be considerable, for tropical forest operators and small or medium enterprises, the investment can be good for the bottom line," Taylor said. This is an important finding given the crucial role of these groups in safeguarding forests for the future."

Passing benefits on

If you want to work with an FSC® certified business that knows from years of experience, Amerhart is the perfect choice. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this important standard.