Insurance We Can All Get Behind

Insurance we can all get behindRegardless of where you stand on the issues, there now seem to be three certainties in life: death, taxes…and an endless debate about universal health coverage.

While the debate rages on we'd like to invite you to take off your ear muffs for a minute to hear about a form of insurance we can all agree on.

And unlike other types of insurance, this is simple. No math degree needed.

This is insurance from having to remove and replace 1,000 deck screws in the dead of winter on a moment's notice or from having to wedge oneself into a 6″ gap while trying to avoid getting covered in bat dung to remove and replace what feels like every single wood screw EVER MADE.

What is this magical dung-fighting, winter-resistant form of insurance?

This is the insurance provided by using code-compliant fasteners for all of your structural builds.

Code compliant fasteners – like FastenMaster's LOK Series – not only lower installation costs, but also meet or exceed building code so you don't have to worry about a run-in with Inspector Clouseau.

So for your next wood-to-wood application, why settle for sub-standard hurricane ties or off-brand screws when you can have the peace of mind that comes from using code-compliant structural fasteners?

For more information, please see FastenMaster’s code-compliant fastening methods and code compliance documents.
Photo credit: David Hilowitz via photopin