Responsible sourcing a boon to businesses

Sustainability can be a boon for businesses.

Companies are increasingly aware of their products' origins. This is not only important from an environmentally friendly perspective; more consumers want to know from what materials products on and around their home are made. Going green makes sense to many people, both on the consumer and business-owner sides. Additionally, there are also cost concerns to address: What will be a better product to use in the long run? What is going to last? Cost may be a factor, but more frequently, people want high-quality, responsibly-sourced goods over cheaper, less green alternatives. Over time responsible sourcing of forest products can be beneficial for companies, a new WWF report revealed. Sustainability makes sense.

"Research overwhelmingly shows that retail chains are positioned to mobilize transformational impacts because of their leverage over product supply chains and influence on consumer choices," Alistair Monument, WWF Forest Practice lead, said in a press release.

In other words, it's up to businesses to offer sustainable and responsibly sourced products to the consumer who, in turn, consider the origins of their products.

Employee and consumer satisfaction among benefits

Over 80 percent of the companies surveyed for the report responded that there were positive impacts on risk management and brand reputation for responsible sourcing, the WWF stated. Using responsibly-sourced products, then, may enhance a company's credibility in the marketplace.

"Using responsibly-sourced products may enhance a company's marketplace credibility."

A further 60 percent of respondents reported positive impacts on consumer satisfaction with the use of responsibly sourced, forest-friendly products. This may indicate that people are happier knowing that their homes or businesses are positively affecting the environment, even in a small way. And more than 70 percent experienced employee engagement and higher employee satisfaction and retention.

"Companies with genuinely responsible timber sourcing strategies - based on clear commitments and public reporting - have an opportunity to stand out from the crowd," Monument continued.

Using responsibly-sourced materials helps companies differentiate themselves from competitors and demonstrates that decision-makers weigh many factors when considering the products they use. Given a 2015 Nielsen study determined millennials in particular want sustainable offerings and are willing to pay more these products, the WWF findings indicate a boon.

In today's competitive market, every company wants to gain an edge. Increasing numbers of consumers - and other businesses - note that sustainability and green products are important considerations. To learn more about our products and offerings, please peruse our catalogs here.