Formica White Twill 9285 LaminateOut Of Stock
The Formica® Laminate collection provides a solution for most applications, including doors, contract furniture and wall paneling. Formica White Twill 9285 Laminate is available in your choice of finish and grade, including ColorCore2.
Or choose Matte finish in grade 12 or 20. Matte finish imparts a warm, pleasing effect that enhances the beauty of color and produces a greater clarity and depth.
Grade 12 is a Horizontal Postforming Grade (HGP): Outside radius s/b to 5/8 in (15.9mm) and cove radius to 3/16 in (4.8 mm). Postformable to permit bending on suitable commercial postforming equipment. Use whenever forming is desired for decorative or functional purposes in interior applications. Optimum postforming temperature is 325 deg F (163 deg C).
Grade 20 is a Vertical Postforming Grade (VPG). Outside and inside radii s/f to 1/2 in (12.7 mm). A forming grade designed for vertical or light duty horizontal interior applications requiring radiused edges. Thinner than Grade 12, it is excellent for postformed radii. Installed panel width not to exceed 24 in (609.6 mm) maximum.